I, like many of you, am wondering where the heck all of the time went this year. I've made many incredible changes this year, the most significant being leaving a full time corporate job. I was burned out and on the verge of complete mental collapse. So, in July, I finally cut the apron strings and have been relearning what a balanced existence feels like, and boy does it feel good!
I've started an Etsy shop - see the fantastic little gadget to the right - it's not highly stocked right now, but this time next year...I can hardly wait to get all of the ideas out of my head and into reality! I'm also in the process of launching a food-based business with one of the most fantastic people I've met since moving to the wonderful state of South Carolina. Really, it's December 15, and there were little girls in my neighborhood laying on a blanket in the grass in jeans and t-shirts with bare feet. I'll take that over +/- 30 degree days in Pennsylvania any day.
Back to this post's topic - I'm actually baking Christmas cookies this year. I don't think I've done this since I lived at home. I've also canned some goodies for friends and relatives and am in the process of making some rustic felt gift bags to pack them in. In my next post, I'll share, I promise. There's also the slowly shrinking list of gifts to buy and last minute preparations next week...stay tuned for more interesting (or not) information as I figure out how this whole blogging thing works :)